Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Her second show (July 31 & Aug 1 2015).  Antique Tractor and Truck show in Paris Ky.  This was a two day show and she had no complaints.  I should've charged a fee for every time I showed the truck!  HA!  Was a fun day, lots of old antique tractors, gas engines, antique trucks including 18 wheelers, homemade ice cream, food, music by Gayle McCord and tractor pulls.  Met lots of nice folks and made a lot of contacts. Did I mention homemade ice cream:) Strawberry!
                                                                      1949 GMC

Finally got the Old Gal out working for her gas money!  HA!  Set up at a local Farmer's Market.  This was her first outing as a "working gal"!  And she was a huge hit!  I could've sold her several times.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Studio garden finally clean....

Finally got the energy to clean up my herb garden behind my studio from the winter.  Had three cart loads of  weeds, orphaned papers, sticks.......  My bleeding hearts are just gorgeous this year!  Hopefully all other plants will return this year full of blooms and lots of bees!